I Won't Look Back is an Item in Star Ocean: The Second Story R.
A book written by Ashton. "Nothing changes by running. You have to stand up to it..."
{ "id": "i-wont-look-back", "type": "Item", "data": { "name": "I Won't Look Back", "description": "A book written by Ashton. \"Nothing changes by running. You have to stand up to it...\"", "game_id": "215", "order": 955, "sell_price": 1000, "Item-IMAGE": { "i-wont-look-back__Item-IMAGE__it-1103-002-a": true }, "Item-SPECIAL_EFFECTS": { "i-wont-look-back__Item-SPECIAL_EFFECTS__special-effect-134": true }, "Item-TYPE": { "i-wont-look-back__Item-TYPE__other-item-type": true } }, "updatedAt": 1706153907174 }