BS 00007 is a Bookshelf in Dragon Quest XI.
{ "id": "bs-00007", "type": "Bookshelves", "data": { "name": "BS 00007", "title": "King Carnelian: Behind the Throne", "contents": "Having seen several generations of his line, I can say with some certainty that King Carnelian is a rare breed of monarch, possessed of all the qualities required in a truly great leader. Both loved and feared by the populace, he is like a father to them - kind yet stern, firm yet fair. Not since the days of the great kings of old has our nation been so blessed. Though his face may have grown hard and lined since the terrible events that took place those few short years ago, some might say that this has added a certain...depth that improves him yet further. To have so resolutely overcome such grief and yet still led his nation boldly onward is surely a sign that Carnelian is a king among kings.", "Bookshelves-TYPE": { "bs-00007__Bookshelves-TYPE__bookshelf": true }, "MapFeature-MAP_TARGET-Bookshelves": { "bs-00007-map-feature__MapFeature-MAP_TARGET__bs-00007": true }, "Bookshelves-LOCATION": { "bs-00007__Bookshelves-LOCATION__heliodor-castle": true } }, "updatedAt": 1648711587570 }