Rubblerouser is a Spell in Dragon Quest XI.
Summons an earth sigil that will inflict damage on the enemy every time they try to act.
{ "id": "rubblerouser", "type": "Spells", "data": { "name": "Rubblerouser", "Spells-CHARACTERS": { "rubblerouser__Spells-CHARACTERS__erik": true }, "Spells-TYPE": { "rubblerouser__Spells-TYPE__offensive": true }, "Spells-TARGET": { "rubblerouser__Spells-TARGET__single": true }, "description": "Summons an earth sigil that will inflict damage on the enemy every time they try to act.", "mp_cost": 6, "PepPowers-ABILITIES-Spells": { "scorched-earth__PepPowers-ABILITIES__rubblerouser": true }, "Monsters-ABILITIES-Spells": { "little-devil__Monsters-ABILITIES__rubblerouser": true }, "Spells-ELEMENT": { "rubblerouser__Spells-ELEMENT__5-earth": true }, "Spells-STATUS_EFFECT": { "rubblerouser__Spells-STATUS_EFFECT__damage-over-time": true } }, "updatedAt": 1648444854295 }