Gone Astray...in the Mirelands is a Request in Pokémon Legends: Arceus.
A villager named Zeke wants you to find his sister, Wanda. She's a member of the Security Corps, and she seems to have gone missing in the Crimson Mirelands.
{ "id": "gone-astray-in-the-mirelands", "type": "Request", "data": { "name": "Gone Astray...in the Mirelands", "number": 38, "description": "A villager named Zeke wants you to find his sister, Wanda. She's a member of the Security Corps, and she seems to have gone missing in the Crimson Mirelands.", "Request-REWARD": { "gone-astray-in-the-mirelands__Request-REWARD__stardust": true }, "unlock_criteria": "After Lilligant" }, "updatedAt": 1649755759025 }